Annual Membership Rates
Farm - Ranch - Non-Profit Groups - Charity - Individual - Home Based - $130 GST Included
1-5 Employees $185 GST Included
6-15 Employees $240 GST Included
16-20 Employees $290 GST Included
21+ Employees $345 GST Included
Government Agencies $345 GST Included
Corporate Partner $590 GST Included
There are many benefits to becoming a Member, such as:
* All Members qualify for Value Add Programs, which far out way the cost of membership
* All Members are recognized at various functions throughout the year as a community supporter
*All Members are considered when advocating for Business Improvement Policies and Processes
*And so many more!!
* Corporate Partners are also recognized by:
Premium opportunity to be an Event Sponsor
Company name/logo displayed on Website and Chamber Marketing Material
Frequent Social Media Recognition
Opportunity to share business details in Chamber Newsletters